.8 - Excavated rock from the The Stainton gravel beds Ime sure its Whinstone but am not sure what has caused the indentations, but whenever i come across whinstone with these marks, it has a very strong attraction to none rare earth magnets
16- These curb stones run along the Boothem area of Central York, all i tested were attracted to the rare earth magnet shown, i did not have a none rare earth magnet with me, but would gamble one would easily stick,as ime sure these stones originated from one of the quarry's in The south west area of Cleveland.
17 - 18 show an experiment i carried out, please click the link for more info and images Magnetic horse bone
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Please feel free to correct me on any part of my blog, i would also welcome any help that can be offered in correctly identifying some of my fossil finds All the best to all Heath.
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