The black line shows the bones still buried in the undisturbed deposit.

The bones are shown within the yellow circle, with the gravel bed just below.

The bone location in this image is shown within the red circle, the gravel beds are outlined in yellow just below.

4 - The bone at first looked fragile, but after a wash and rub i found it to be heavy and hard, also it has the usual very high shine.

5 The bone is part of the distal end of an as yet unknown scapula.



8 - These two rib pieces were excavated close to the scapula piece, again they have the high shine.

9 - This up to date view shows the gravel bed and the undisturbed deposits above.

10 - This image shows the gravel bed outlined in yellow, and the red - brown plastic clay below outlined in red.

11 - This image shows the gravel bed outlined in red, then two suspended gravel pockets outlined in yellow in the stoneless sandy deposit above, then the stoneless alluvium above the black outline.