These images show my discovery of another Male human femur, in the same section of beck that i recently found the first male human femur. also close by was this impressive fossil bos skull, it shows signes of a violent impact to the right, possibly enough to kill the animal.
Bos skull and Human femur Both mineralised found close together in an area i have found two mineralised Canus skulls and another Human mineralised femur.

I excavated this canus skull from the same location last year ime now wondering if there could be a connection.

These images show the Bos skull found not far from the human femurs, and what ime sure is a more modern Bos skull found by myself at fairy dell Middlesbrough. The skull found at fairy dell has in my mind most definitely been slaughtered maybe quite modern , ie a centre punch to the centre of the skull.?
I have witnessed pigs being killed in this way, or maybe as the last comment says a pole axe? . But the Bos skull found near the human femurs was not slaughtered at least not by the impact wounds i described
The skull above is most likely quite modern.
The skull above i think could well have been washed from the nearby grey deposits that have yielded many more pieces , including a Human tibia piece .