My work to date regarding the Stainton gravel beds
( Not related to the later Stainsby deposits ! )
I first discovered the gravel beds at Stainton beck, about a half a mile south west of Stainton quarry, an old whinstone (Basaltic Andesite) mine in Stainton village,( Hence the Stainton gravel bed title) on the outskirts of Middlesbrough in North east England.
After finding several well preserved fossils, and mineralised bones some carved, i decided to excavate into the beck banks. After digging only about a foot through beck deposits, and fallen upper deposits, i found a hard packed gravel section. I first thought this to be something created by the beck in earlier times, but the gravel deposit was hard packed, and i noticed it was of an equal depth, and very dry.
The image below shows a section of gravel bed excavated at Marton west beck, it was that hard packed i had to use a hammer and thin chisel, to get into it.
I then started to notice the deposits above were not the documented Glacial till, but consolidated separate alluvial clay layers. These layers are almost stoneless, and ive found no fossil content. These layers cover a large part of the south west area of Cleveland, and sit above Mercia mudstone ( Triassic bedrock ) , more can be learned of the upper layers on earlier posts.
The two images above, show how compact and level the Stainton gravel beds are, everywhere i have excavated in the southwest area of Cleveland, Ive found the same flat hard packed gravel deposit.
I then started to excavate bone fragments, and well preserved fossils and minerals, i have now excavated bone from as deep as three meters into the tightly packed gravel beds, including a Human tibia shaft over 2 metres into my main excavation at Stainton along with Human skull fragments.
Above the human tibia shaft, and below the excavation.
Below just some of the excavated items from my main excavation at Stainton beck.
The image below shows four large well preserved limestone slabs excavated from the Stainton gravel beds, rich in Jurassic fossils, the piece to the top centre, appears to be a section of Ammonite made up of other smaller fossils. The piece below ime not sure of, but if i had to guess i would say some type of altered limestone containing Stromatolites.
The image above is an excavation close to my main excavation at Stainton beck, the gravel bed is not as thick here.
Above an unknown bone excavated from the packed gravel bed at Marton west beck. about 2.5 miles north of my main excavation at Stainton beck.
Above my third excavation at Maltby beck, about 3 quarter of a mile west of my main excavation at Stainton beck, the individual alluvial layers can be clearly seen above the packed gravel bed,
The image above shows a bone shaft protruding from the gravel bed and below it can be seen to the bottom of the ruler, note how far into the excavation i first uncovered it !
Above the excavation over a metre into the packed gravel bed.
Above the end of the excavation at Maltby beck showing the separate alluvial layer then the gravel bed below.
Above a horse tooth i excavated over a metre into the gravel bed
Above the cleaned and dried horse tooth note the mineralisation, and remember these gravel beds have been said to have to be between 12- 17,000 ybp or more in date, ime told we never had a horse population at this location then !?
The above image shows my excavation at Ormesby beck about 3.5 miles north east of my main excavation at Stainton, showing the gravel bed sat above the same red brown plastic clay, as at all other excavation locations, in the south west area of Cleveland.
The image above shows the strange coloured deposits about a metre below the gravel beds at Maltby beck, here the gravel bed that can be seen about the level of the spade handle, have large sand pockets, but are still covered by the same alluvial deposits as at Stainton half a mile to the east.
Above the as yet unexplained layers a metre below the Stainton gravel beds at Maltby beck, the coloures really are this bright !
The above image shows the gravel bed at Maltby beck, the bed here is about a metre and a half above the present beck level.
The image above shows my daughter carefully excavating a mandible piece from deep into the packed gravel bed at my main excavation at Stainton, the Human Tibia and skull fragments were excavated about a metre further into the packed gravels you see
The image above shows the mandible piece cleaned and dried only.
And the three images below the mandible showing the tooth sides and surface, it looks to be bovine but unlike anything ive compared it to.
The simple diagram above shows the separate layers, that lay below and above the Stainton gravel beds, in the south west area of Cleveland North East England. More detailed reports on my excavations can be viewed in earlier posts.
Below is a video taken by Roger Curry at the Stainton beck location it shows a good section of my main excavation.
I have visited the Stainton gravel bed excavations with Archaeologists and Geologists, including my good friend Andy Cooper from tvriggs and have been advised that the Stainton gravel beds must date to at least 12. 000 ybp.
Yet this link shows recent work by the University of Sheffield that if correct implies that the climate in this area at the time could not have sustained large animals and Humans.
As yet Ive had no interest from Middlesbrough town hall, even though they are and i quote, monitoring my work via Tees Archaeology.
I have recently been informed by Peter Row that Middlesbrough council are in no way monitoring my work via there organisation, as they have withdrawn funding to Tees Archaeology.
Rib pieces excavated from deep into the packed deposits at my main excavation at Stainton.
The image above shows the excavation before i started finding the ribs.
Images of the gravel beds at Marton west beck i excavated today, this is the hardest bed ive encountered !!!
Main excavation at Stainton reopened .
Gravel bed located in another area of Stainton beck.
Gravel bed located again at Stainton beck 13, 04, 13
The link below has the latest information regarding the excavated gravel bed shown above.