Wednesday 3 January 2018

Celtic Civilisation began in Britain ?

For many years now we have been led to believe that Greece - Rome - Egypt were our cradles of Civilization , this is now being proved not to be so . New evidence now points to the likelihood that North west European civilizations were far more advanced in many ways .  There is growing evidence that civilization did not originate in the warm south eastern areas , and then spread north . but more likely the opposite !

The Nebra sky disk was discovered in northern Germany in June 2013 ,  and dated at 3016 years old this makes it the oldest astronomical record known . Add to that the fact that the materials it was made from originated in Britain , I think it tells its own story .

Sunday 20 August 2017


Today after 7 years my blog passed 100.000 page views  , not bad for a specialised  subject focused on a 5 mile radius of Stainton Village .

Saturday 20 May 2017

Clevelands Malachite from the Stainton gravel beds

This piece is Malachite - pure copper ore .

Jasper from the Stainton gravel beds

I've now identified this piece as Jasper , the closest recorded occurrence I can find is in East Yorkshire , to the south of us with the Cleveland hills being a natural barrier from glacial transportation . As I've stated before I believe all of the well preserved mineral pieces ive found in the Stainton gravel beds , were transported to the area by man.