Saturday 20 May 2017

Clevelands Malachite from the Stainton gravel beds

This piece is Malachite - pure copper ore .

Jasper from the Stainton gravel beds

I've now identified this piece as Jasper , the closest recorded occurrence I can find is in East Yorkshire , to the south of us with the Cleveland hills being a natural barrier from glacial transportation . As I've stated before I believe all of the well preserved mineral pieces ive found in the Stainton gravel beds , were transported to the area by man.

Friday 19 May 2017

Triassic fossils found in Mercia mudstone

I believe I have found the fossils in the Mercia mudstone of Ancient Cleveland North East England .  I have recently collected several ripple and bed samples from the river Leven , and after cleaning Ime sure there are fossils in the samples .

The image above shows what I believe to be the fossil remains of a Triassic life form to the bottom left of the two reduction spots , the image zooms quite well .

   Above close up of what I believe is a fossil in the Mercia mudstone of Cleveland .

Sunday 23 April 2017

Geological Surveys Boulder Clay . Still no sign of it in the South West of Ancient Cleveland !

 The opening excavations at Hemlington , and yet again as in Yarm Thornaby , Coulby Newham the very same red clay as in the beck valleys , with no large stone content !

These excavations are 12 ft deep in places .

I have only ever noticed one constant in the superficial deposits of south west Cleveland , that is a definite relationship in colour with the red and blue Triassic Bed rock it sits above , although the superficial surface deposits are highly calcareous .

I have now viewed more new build sites between Redcar and Yarm with exactly the same findings , No Boulder Clay !