Friday 19 May 2017

Triassic fossils found in Mercia mudstone

I believe I have found the fossils in the Mercia mudstone of Ancient Cleveland North East England .  I have recently collected several ripple and bed samples from the river Leven , and after cleaning Ime sure there are fossils in the samples .

The image above shows what I believe to be the fossil remains of a Triassic life form to the bottom left of the two reduction spots , the image zooms quite well .

   Above close up of what I believe is a fossil in the Mercia mudstone of Cleveland .

Sunday 23 April 2017

Geological Surveys Boulder Clay . Still no sign of it in the South West of Ancient Cleveland !

 The opening excavations at Hemlington , and yet again as in Yarm Thornaby , Coulby Newham the very same red clay as in the beck valleys , with no large stone content !

These excavations are 12 ft deep in places .

I have only ever noticed one constant in the superficial deposits of south west Cleveland , that is a definite relationship in colour with the red and blue Triassic Bed rock it sits above , although the superficial surface deposits are highly calcareous .

I have now viewed more new build sites between Redcar and Yarm with exactly the same findings , No Boulder Clay !

Friday 17 February 2017

Clevelands Cervus Elephus Red deer antler excavated proberbly the largest in Britain .

This (Cervus Elephus) Red Deer Antler piece is almost certainly the largest  ever discovered in Great Britain . I excavated it as previously stated about 4 years ago at what I strongly believe to be a sacrificial site close to an outcrop of the Cleveland Dyke at Stainsby beck in ancient Cleveland . 

  In fact I believe it is the largest land found red deer antler excavated in the world ? I have repeatedly informed all relevant parties both local and further a field with no response ! ?   It has nine tines and is far thicker than anything found in the British isles and probably matches and is bigger and more robust than the very largest Elk of North America !

This 4000 year old piece found in sediment in Wales , was and is widely reported in news papers and the world wide internet , yet the piece I have is twice the size and more robust , and was excavated amongst Human - Horse - wolf - Bos Longifrons - Dogs - wild boar - Goats - all very close. I.E all within 20 metres  of the outcrop of the Cleveland Dyke !!!  Which is is the very same unexcavated Basalt used at Stone Henge  !
Britains largest prehistoric red deer antler antler excavated in Middlesbrough in ancient Cleveland !