Monday 11 April 2011

The Geology of Stainton beck

These layers are the latest i have discovered they are located below the more robust Stainton gravel beds, and seem to consist of fine orange coloured gravels with a black organic layer sandwiched in between.

The Stainton gravel beds

                                   This was one of my first posts and excavation at Stainton the pics were taken with my grandaughters kidzoom camera, but ime going to leave it for sentimental reasons!
                          More can be viewed regarding the Stainton gravel beds by clicking the link below
                                                                    The Stainton gravel beds

Sunday 10 April 2011

Bovine atlas vertebrae, unknown jaw, worked tibia, large rib piece

The jaw ime not sure about, the two vertebrae are bovine they were found four miles apart, but in the same geology there identical and both have the same dark brown colour, with no butcher marks.Ime certain the tibia piece has been used as some type of scraping tool.
The rib weighs 150 grams and measures 340 mm long, and 70mm at its widest point.

Bos humerus

The two Bos humerus where found in different locations, the one to the right weighs 925 grams and measures 295 mm long, 110 mm at its widest.


Saturday 9 April 2011

Large horse metatarsal

I found this horse metatarsal in a new location but again with the same geological layers, it had thick  concretion i believe to have been gravels and sand from the Pleistocene river gravels it was buried in before being washed out by flooding, covering most of it, when i removed it i could not believe the condition of the surface! It measures 115 mm long and 75mm at its widest point, weighing 675 grams.