Thursday, 1 September 2011

Maltby beck excavation

This excavation shows the same sequence of deposits that have been exposed at Stainton beck, at roughly the same depth in relation to the surrounding land.

The image above shows how little soil cover there is above the aluvial deposit, less than 100 mm in places

The glove marks where the  deposit stops and the gravels start, then as in all my excavations the dense red clay below.
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Monday, 29 August 2011

Bone excavated from Stainton gravel beds.

The first two images show the top of the gravel layer, the cup of tea was a suprise !

In this dig section there is a layer of packed sand about 100mm thick separating the Lacustrine layer from the gravels

This is the piece bone found in the packed sand above the gravels.

In these images the bone is still in some of the packed sand.

The bone after removing the sand and cleaned, it apeares to be part of a lumbar vertebrae.
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Saturday, 27 August 2011

The Cleveland dyke at Stainton village south west Middlesbrough.

I am now beginning to seriously believe the presence and location of the Cleveland dyke could have had a major effect on approaching ice sheets. I now think there is a possibility that the dyke could have acted as a defence against the destructive forces of the ice sheets on the geology present at the time, in the immediate vicinity of of the dyke.
I can now say with total confidence that at least the section of the Cleveland Dyke at Stainton Quarry in the south west area of Cleveland, is a strongly magnetic basaltic andasite that seems to act strangely to certain surfaces of a magnet
. And parts have been taken by what could only be ice and redistrebuted to the north and south of the line of the Cleveland Dyke, and the evidence can be found in the deep lying Stainton gravel beds, that streach from at least Stainton beck to Ormesby beck about 3 miles to the north east.
I also now strongly believe that any large or small rocks, whinstone or other to be found in the fields of this area of Cleveland origionated from the washed out  gravel beds, this i believe i can proove at least in the Stainton and Thornton area.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

New excuvation showing continuation of clay and gravel bed deposits further down stream

The image below shows the  deposit discoloured by the top soil higher up.

The image above shows an isolated layer of sand and fine gravels marked by the lower glove.

I believe the deposit rises a lot higher than the level marked with top yellow glove.

Packed gravels and sand layer below the  layers then a dense red clay beneath the gravels and sands.

The isolated sand and gravel layer above apparently separating the main  deposit.
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Sunday, 21 August 2011

Saturday, 20 August 2011

New deposits found

These images show a newly descovered  deposit in the banks of maltby beck, 1km south west of the Stainton deposits.

The blue deposit will be a lot thicker and will taper as it rises, which i will show once excuvated.

I believe this deposit could be part of the same deposit found at Stainton beck.
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Initial report from Andy cooper tvriggs

Message Body

Dear Mr Barnes,

Thanks for allowing my colleague Alan Simkins and I to visit the excavation work you have undertaken into the deposits alongside Stainton Beck upstream of the former quarry in the Cleveland Dyke. We found them very interesting.

First I would like to say that you are one-in-a-million, very few people have any interest in such things. The fact that you do have an interest, added  to the fact that you've done something about it with very little outside help, is to be commended and we hope that you continue this work.

My first impressions of what I saw, when you kindly showed us around on Friday, tell me that the deposits in which the excavations are taking place are quite complex successions of clays, sands and gravels deposited both during, and after, wastage of the last (Devensian) ice sheet which (as we discussed) occupied the Lower Tees Valley around 20,000 years before present.

As you're already aware, during ice-sheet wastage locally a number of ice-dammed meltwater lakes occurred at different heights above sea level. One such water body occurred around the edge of an ice lobe extending up the Tees Valley leaving clay deposits where Normanby Brick Works used to stand on the north western flank of Eston Hills at approx 100 metres above sea level. As the lobe of ice filling the Lower Tees Valley continued to waste away, further water bodies formed at lower levels (the land around Stainton stands approx 30-40 metres above sea level) some of the lakes being quite large. Around South Bank can be found thick deposits of laminated clay belonging to quite a large water body, the thickness of the lacustrine clay seen at Stainton would seem to suggest that it was deposited within either a relatively small water body, or close to the edge of a larger lake. In order to solve this puzzle the deposit needs to be traced away from the beck to determine its lateral extent - a job best done with an auger.

As I have mentioned in my previous e-mail, some of the fossils which you've recovered from the gravels were a little puzzling at first. They include a number of ammonites and bivalves from rocks of Jurassic age and, as Stainton stands on rocks laid down prioir to this (during Triassic times), their origins weren't immediately apparent. My first thoughts were, "How did these fossils get here when the direction of Cheviot ice-movement (from the north and east) carried the glacier across much older rocks?"

During our visit, however, we spoke about two ice streams meeting in the lower Tees Valley. One from Scotland (Cheviot Ice) and another from the Lake District which crossed the Pennies via the Stainmore Gap (Stainmore Ice). Each contains its own individual suite of rock fragments picked up en-route. Within the gravels I saw rocks from both Cheviot and Stainmore streams. I think that the Jurassic fossils originated from the Stainmore Ice which approached Teesside from the north-west. It would have encountered beds of Jurassic age both on the valley floor and moorland escarpment to the south west of Stainton. The high ground of the moors caused this ice stream to split with one part going along the Vale of York, and the other forced eastwards toward the sea. I would appear that this ice picked up the Jurassic specimens

When this easterly lobe eventually wasted, meltwater would carry sand and gravel northward onto the valley floor where low level lakes formed.

On the subject of the Bones:
The great number of bones which you have diligently recovered are really outside my experience, however the fact that they (and some of the fossil specimens) are extremely clean (polished almost) when found is something I can help with. It is probably due to phosphatisation. This is a chemical process occurring during burial within the presence of phosphate-rich ground water. At the moment I have no idea of possible sources for the phosphate. The bone's presence however tends to indicate that the deposit is of Holocene age.

On the subject of the Organic Material:
The layers of organic material could only have originated during the Holocene (after the wastage of Devensian Ice) as flora and fauna recolonised the area. I have been trying to find someone to look at what you've recovered from these layers, so far without success. I do know that Tees Archaeology have done studies on similar beds at Seaton Carew (Hartlepool Submerged Forest) and can only suggest that you read the documentation relating to it which may hold some clues for you and should be available at your local library.

Well, that's about it for now. I'm sorry that we couldn't be of further help to you during the visit, but deposits such as these require careful analysis not able to be achieved in the field. In fact much of it is specialised. I'm sure that pollen analysis of the organic layers will be able to date the deposit much more accurately, but TVRIGS do not (yet) have the means to carry out such tests. Though we hope to be able to perform limited analyses in the future. Being a volunteer group, we rely on the dedication of our members and do not yet have anyone to look at this fascinating area.

Please keep me informed of your progress, especially with regard to having the organic material analysed. I too shall keep trying to get someone to have a look at both the bones and the organic material for you. Pester-power may eventually pay off.

In the meantime, TVRIGS Group will shortly take delivery of a new auger which (with your permission) we'd like to test in the area around your sites with you present of course. This may help you find the lateral extent of the water body responsible for the lacustrine clays amongst other things.

I hope that this e-mail goes a little way toward helping you for now, and will bring your case up with the group at our next meeting with regard to helping you further.

Keep in touch.

With best regards,


Friday, 19 August 2011

Stone tools excavated fron Stainton gravel beds.

All of these images and pieces have been viewed by Tees Archaeology, but have been dismissed as water worn stone.

This looks like a small fishing weight

I have now been advised this has been shaped by humans.

This ime sure was utilized to smooth wood! 

Not sure at all but haven't seen smiler and can't see how it could be water worn! I have now been advised this is indeed a naturally worn stone.

This piece just looks far too tidy!

This piece is iron stone and this stuff does come in some weird forms but this piece seems a bit to uniformed for me!

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Preserved seeds and other organic material excavated from Stainton gravel beds.

This preserved material including seeds wood and bark was found in packed ancient river gravels dating between 10 -20.000 years old. Tees Archaeology have been given the images and offered the material to Analise yet have declined.

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